
Sony RX1 sensor dust removal

Remove battery and card.
 Remove bottom screws.
 Remove bottom panel.
Remove screws from both sides. Note right side screws are under rubber.
Open back panel from left side. Don't damage cable for button control at right side.
 Remove screws from back cover. Note there are 2 screws at bottom and right side.
Remove cables and heat sink.
Remove 3 screws from sensor unit. Note, there're calibrated shims under each screw, do not move them or your sensor will misalign.
Dust could be on sensor or rear glass of lens chamber.

I managed to remove all dusts from sensor and glass with sensor wet clean kit. Unfortunately there is still a minor dust inside lens which is beyond my fixing ability (that requires changing whole lens part) however it doesn't really bother me (sensor dusts are sharp when viewing F22 but dusts in lens are always blurred).

It's just too ridiculous for Sony to create a fixed prime lens camera with dust inside.
What's worse, dust problem can even hit new cameras. The dust was there when those cameras were assembled in factory.

Another problem is E:61:00 error, which also happens for new cameras. Sony really need to do something to their QC.

Fortunately E:61:00 error is normally easy to fix: just face lens down and press front end firmly while switch on the camera. (it makes things worse by dropping it as some irresponsible guy suggests, focus motor will eventually become too misaligned and quit working)

[update 2]
AF resetting point is towards screen direction. To do a hard rest, shake RX1 with screen facing forward and brake. It doesn't have to be a really hard shake, just enough to put focus group back to position (when you hear a gear sound it's done).

It's better to place RX1 screen down (lens up) in camera bag.

